Why does India need organic farming?

The present-day agricultural era shows that as many as one-fifth of the overall agricultural output gets misplaced due to inefficient harvesting, shipping. With advanced technology, superior strategies, synthetic and chemical merchandise supplied a large amount of produce. However, even with […]

Steps involved in Aso

If you’re reading this post, you’ve probably heard of App Store Optimization (ASO) and a few names, including Google, Apple, Microsoft, Google Play, Amazon, and many others, are known for it. What are the strategies made by App Store Optimization […]

Finding gold

Introduction Smartphones are not going anywhere. And it is true that there will be no smartphones without apps. Unfortunately, with these advancements in the technological world, devices have become much more than that and will continue to be something different […]


Developers buy iOS reviews to boost app rankings. No matter how fancy you’ve made the application look by placing the screenshots, videos on the app store, some users just don’t click the ‘get’ or ‘install’ button because of the fewer […]